Employ 24-hour carer privately
Many families want to keep relatives in need of care in their own homes for as long as possible, but…
Many families want to keep relatives in need of care in their own homes for as long as possible, but…
The interview with a potential nanny is a crucial appointment that can quickly give parents an idea of whether the…
Since April 2024, quitt has been a member of the German Domestic Services Council (Deutscher Hauswirtschaftsrat e.V.). The association has…
Babysitting is a highly accountable job that requires not only time and energy, but also a special skillset. However, there…
Various personal data of the employer and employee as well as contract-related information are requested in the online registration process…
With our salary calculator, you can calculate the net salary and your employer costs for your domestic or garden help,…
Whether it's the granny as nanny, the nephew as gardener, one's mother as household help or the son as elderly…
Darum geht's The statutory minimum wage in Germany is €12,82 this also applies in private households Our fair wage recommendation…
An private employment contract is the heart of the working relationship with your domestic helper or childcare. It not only…
What the blog is about: Tax benefits for private minijob employers Tax reduction at a glance Claim back childcare costs…