Where do I find a household help?

  • Updated:
  • Lena Ardelt

What the blog is about:

  • Tips for finding a suitable domestic helper, nanny, gardener or elderly care
  • Comparison of online job placement platforms and our recommendations
  • Searched and found? Register your preferred domestic helper with quitt

Finding a suitable domestic helper is not so easy at all

Whether cleaning, childcare, gardening, or support for seniors, domestic help is in great demand. However, finding help that is a good all-round fit is not always easy. Many households continue to rely on recommendations by family, friends, and neighbors or search through advertisements in the local newspaper or on bulletin boards. The chances of success are rather uncertain, hence online job placement platforms may be a good alternative.

Online job placement platforms as an alternative

In the case of online job placement platforms, it is important to make sure that these only establish contact between you and your potential employee, rather than providing or offering employed domestic help on an hourly basis. This way you are in charge. You agree the hourly salary rate with your domestic helper and set terms for your employment relationship. To find the best person possible to help in your household, we have listed and compared some job placement platforms in Germany for you. For the search of a cleaner we recommend Putzperle.de. At Mary Poppins you will find domestic staff for all kind of tasks. Our recommendation to find a babysitter is Hallo Babysitter and for long-term private childcare the Nannynetzwerk.

Comparison of online job placement platforms

Spezialisierung Preis
Ebay Kleinanzeigen
Hallo Babysitter
Meine Nanny
Haushaltsjob die Börse

Create a fair working relationship

Have you already found someone who covers your needs and whom you trust? Then create a legal, fair and secure employment relationship as a private employer with quitt in just a few minutes. Then, sit back and relax.
