Correctly register, hire & employ your private nanny

Registered in 5 minutes – all done.
30,000+ satisfied customers worldwide.
Everything from one app, 100% digital.
Employ a nanny

Register now without obligation

9,826 positive reviews from 12 years quitt

quitt takes care of everything you need to hire your nanny.

Registration with all authorities
Registration of all mandatory insurances
Complete salary payment including deductions
Legally correct sample contract
Reimbursement in case of illness & accident
Employ a nanny

Hire a nanny legally and save up to €4000 in taxes.

The correct registration of your nanny is tax-privileged. Up to €4000 per child can be deducted from taxes.

Hire a nanny & save

With quitt you can hire your nanny in 5 minutes.


Find a nanny

You are looking for a nanny on your own.


Register with quitt

Register yourself & your nanny with quitt.


Enter employment relationship

Determine wages and use quitt's practical contract template.


Lean back

You can look forward to more free time and a correct, fair working relationship.

Fair employment.
Without additional costs.

Enjoy a carefree working relationship from € 7 per month. Due to the tax discount, you will not face any additional costs.

Calculate costs

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